• sulam@um.edu.my

Project Title: REWILD UM (Greening Urban Spaces & Biodiversity)   

Course: TIX2020 (Introduction to Sociolinguistics)
Program: Bachelor of English/French/Tamil Language and Linguistic
Faculty: Faculty of Language and Linguistic
Project Coordinator: Dr. Noor Aqsa Nabila Mat Isa


Summary : 

The title of our project is is Rewild UM (Greening Urban Spaces & Biodiversity). The objective of our project is to spread environmental awareness, specifically native plants among Universiti Malaya (UM) students. This is done through an online campaign on social media; Instagram. 
In light of the long-term benefits for the trees, we also want to raise awareness on the best ways to preserve their natural environment. We collaborated with Free Tree Society in order to achieve the second objective. The project was conducted by relating it with linguistics aspect in order to achieve our 

Objective : 

  1. To spread environmental awareness by sharing native plants' names in two languages (English and Malay). 
    To spread ways to maintain the ecosystem.

Last Update: 01/12/2023