• sulam@um.edu.my

Project Title: Java Rangers  

Course: WIX2001 - Thinking and Communication Skills
Program: Bachelor of Computer Science, Bachelor of Information Technology
Faculty: Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology
Project Coordinator: Dr. Unaizah Hanum Binti Obaidellah


Summary : 

The challenge that we were assigned for this SULAM project is “How may we support the community for a better quality of life post-covid 19”. Our group has decided to tackle the problems in education due to Covid-19. As computer science undergraduates in UM, we felt challenged while learning Java programming due to the sheer difficulty. A considerable portion of us originate from the non-Computer Science background, and the online class just made it harder to grasp the concept. Even though we're no longer first-year students, we noticed that this issue persists at the moment as well.

Objective : 

  1. To assist and tutor first year undergraduate students on Java programming language
  2. To help first year undergraduate students revise on the programming topics before their final exam
  3. To gain more experience in conducting a workshop through a collaboration with Persatuan Komputer UM (PEKOM)

Last Update: 19/09/2022